The study presents the status of computerized in “Shri Narayan Prasad Awashti Government Ayurvedic College” in Raipur (C.G.). A properly computerized library will help its user with quick services. The object of this study is to develop and update database at books in the “Shri Narayan Prasad Awashti Government Ayurvedic College” using E-Granthalaya library software to carry out the functions of the library, especially of circulation section more effectively to provide various search options to know the availability of books in the library and generate the list of books due from particular member and also overdue charges. The over-all development of a nation by providing information services to the citizen of a rustic. In the modern education system, libraries became an integral part which supports learning and research activities. Within the present era, every Government Organization has setup library internally as service and resource Centre which meets the knowledge need of the staff for efficiently performing their duties. There are over lakhs of libraries within the country which will be converted to a Knowledge Base Centre by implementing ICT tools and technologies. NIC has taken initiative to computerize Indian Libraries by implementing e-Granthalaya software."Othercommercially available library software was also tried for an equivalent. All of them were eitherexpensive or didn't meet the requirements. Variety of free software available on internet were alsotried, but weren't effective. Neither proper trouble shooting nor people were available to unravelproblems. Finally in 2008, The National Informatics Centre, New Delhi was consulted to adoptthe E-Granthalaya.
Cite this article:
Jaishri Lawatre. Application of E-Granthalaya: A case study of “Shir Narayan Prasad Awashti Government Ayurvedic College” Raipur (C.G.). Int. J. Rev. and Res. Social Sci. 2020; 8(3):209-216. doi: 10.5958/2454-2687.2020.00013.1
Jaishri Lawatre. Application of E-Granthalaya: A case study of “Shir Narayan Prasad Awashti Government Ayurvedic College” Raipur (C.G.). Int. J. Rev. and Res. Social Sci. 2020; 8(3):209-216. doi: 10.5958/2454-2687.2020.00013.1 Available on: https://ijrrssonline.in/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-8-3-9
1. Matoria, Ram Kumar, 2005 E-Granthalaya-2 User manual, NIC, New Delhi
2. CES, IISc. E-Granthalaya user manual
3. http://library.nic.in
4. http://mcitconsortium.nic.in
6. http://egranthalaya.nic.in