Author(s): Aakriti Dewangan, Archana Yadav


DOI: 10.52711/2454-2687.2024.00002   

Address: Aakriti Dewangan1, Archana Yadav2
1Department of Social Work, Kalinga University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
2Department of Social Work, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2024

This research paper delves into the knowledge level of Muslim men in the Twin City of Chhattisgarh, India, regarding the procedure of divorce as per the Quran, shedding light on the prevalent issue of Triple Talaq (Talaq-e-biddat) and its implications on Muslim women. The study examines the awareness and understanding of different forms of divorce sanctioned by the Quran, namely Talaq-e-ahasan, Talaq-e-hasan, and Talaq-e-biddat. The findings reveal that a majority of the respondents are familiar with only one approved form of divorce, with Talaq-e-ahasan being the most recognized. This lack of awareness about alternative divorce forms, including Talaq-e-biddat, is a critical concern, as Triple Talaq is a major problem in the Muslim community. The research also highlights the limited understanding among respondents regarding the compensation provided to divorced women after Talaq, particularly the concept of Meher. The study underscores the need for education and awareness programs within the Muslim community to empower individuals, especially women, with knowledge about Islamic divorce procedures. Social workers, in collaboration with religious leaders and NGOs, can play a pivotal role in bridging this knowledge gap. Additionally, the research shows that some respondents perceive Triple Talaq as permissible under certain circumstances, reinforcing the importance of clarifying what is approved in the Holy Quran. The paper emphasizes that empowering women with knowledge, advocating for their rights, and addressing the insufficiency of Meher are vital steps to improve the status of Muslim women in India. Furthermore, it calls for a more comprehensive understanding of Islamic divorce procedures among the Muslim community and encourages collaborative efforts to ensure justice and gender equality. While this research mainly focuses on the knowledge level of Muslim men regarding Quranic divorce, it highlights the significance of assessing their knowledge regarding the Triple Talaq Act 2019. The study underscores the need for such awareness campaigns to facilitate social change and uplift the status of Muslim women. In conclusion, this research paper provides insights into the knowledge gap surrounding Islamic divorce procedures among Muslim men in Chhattisgarh, India, and emphasizes the importance of empowering individuals with accurate information and advocating for women's rights within the context of Triple Talaq.

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Aakriti Dewangan, Archana Yadav. Knowledge level regarding procedure of Divorce as per Quran: A Study on Muslim Men of Twin City (Chhattisgarh). International Journal of Reviews and Research in Social Sciences. 2024; 12(1):5-9. doi: 10.52711/2454-2687.2024.00002

Aakriti Dewangan, Archana Yadav. Knowledge level regarding procedure of Divorce as per Quran: A Study on Muslim Men of Twin City (Chhattisgarh). International Journal of Reviews and Research in Social Sciences. 2024; 12(1):5-9. doi: 10.52711/2454-2687.2024.00002   Available on:

1.    Dommaraju, “Divorce and Separation in India.”
2.    Dewangan, “Should Women Be Abandoned to Their Religious Institution during Their Menstruation Phase?”
3.    Islam, “Instant Triple Talaq: A Curse on Muslim Women in India.”
4.    Kalindri,” Triple talaq and the rights of Muslim women 2019”
5.    Singh and Srivastava, “Perception of Muslim Girls and Their Mothers on Triple Talaq.”
6.    Thakur, “Feminism and Women Movement in India”
7.    Agarwal and Paul, “Triple Talaq.”
8.    Dewangan, “Should women be abandoned to their religious institution during their menstruation phase?”
9.    Singh and Srivastava, “Perception of Muslim Girls and Their Mothers on Triple Talaq.”
10.    Saujan, “Misconceptions of Women’s Rights in Islam and Its Refutations: A Conceptual Study Based on Sources of Islamic Law.”
11.    Maity, “Education for Women Emancipation: Swami Vivekananda in Today’s Relevance”
12.    Pandey and Pandey, “Women’s Contribution in National Development”
13.    Kumar et al., “Women Educational Status and Its Impact in Nuh District of Haryana”
14.    Cheema, “An Unlikely Champion of Women’s Rights under Muslim Personal Law: Mawdudi on the Anglo-Muhammadan Law.”
15.    Rawat, “Matrimonial Rights of Muslim Women In India- With Special Reference To Maintenance And Inheritance.”
16.    Directorate of Census Operations Chhattisgarh, “District Census Handbook - Durg.”
17.    Islam, “Women empowerment and gender justice”
18.    Dewangan and Yadav, “Unheeded Muslim Women’s Rights to Divorce.”
19.    Mattson, “Women, Gender and Family Law”; “The Quran”; Dewangan, Yadav, and Bhanu, “Religionism and Domestic Violence in Muslim Communities: Perceptual Analysis of Triple Talaq Act 2019”; Dewangan and Choubey, “Muslim Spiritual Leaders and Domestic Violence: An Analysis of Triple Talaq Act 2019.”
20.    “The Quran.”
21.    “The Quran”; Islam, “Instant Triple Talaq: A Curse on Muslim Women in India.”
22.    Dewangan, Ain-i-Talaq-e-Biddat: Path to Social Reform and Case Studies.
23.    Khatun, “Does Islam Really Degrade Women?”

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