Shalmoli Chakraborty, Sk. Mafizul Hossain
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Shalmoli Chakraborty1, Sk. Mafizul Hossain2
1Assistant Teacher, Gaochulka Girls’ Junior High School, P.O- Kumarganj
P.S-Dinhata, Dist-Cooch Behar, West Bengal
2Guest Lecturer, Dept of Geography, Arambagh Girls College, Arambag, Dist-Hooghly, West Bengal
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 6,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2018
Enclave means a part of a country that is surrounded by another country or a group of people who are different from the people living in the surrounding area. Both India and neighbouring Bangladesh were suffering much from enclave problem. There were total numbers of 162 territories within India and Bangldesh which are commonly known as CHITMAHAL in Bengali. Enclaves in India and in Bangladesh were created of verity of historical, political and geographical reason. Inhabitant of enclaves lived without any proper constitutional right and basic amenities for their livelihood for as long as 70 years even after the independence. The historical land boundary agreement was implemented between India and Bangladesh on 31st July 2015 as they had the option to choose citizenship of either nation by 31st August, 2015, none of the resident of Bangladeshi enclave chooses to relocate in Bangladesh; now they got the citizenship and infrastructural development programme are in progress. This paper hence that the generalise conclusions on reasons behind the stay back in India, changing scenario of socio-economic condition after the land swap, types of facilities they are getting at present by the government of India and West Bengal as well as the draw backs of the developmental work.
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Shalmoli Chakraborty, Sk. Mafizul Hossain. Changing Socio-Econimic Scenareo of Enclave (Chitmahal) after Land Swap- A Case Study on Dakhshin Mashaldanga, Coochbehar District, Westbengal, India. Int. J. Rev. and Res. Social Sci. 2018; 6(1):32-44. doi: 10.5958/2454-2687.2018.00006.0
Shalmoli Chakraborty, Sk. Mafizul Hossain. Changing Socio-Econimic Scenareo of Enclave (Chitmahal) after Land Swap- A Case Study on Dakhshin Mashaldanga, Coochbehar District, Westbengal, India. Int. J. Rev. and Res. Social Sci. 2018; 6(1):32-44. doi: 10.5958/2454-2687.2018.00006.0 Available on: