Manjula Malik, A. K. Nehra, B K Saini
Manjula Malik1, Dr. A. K. Nehra2, Dr. (Prof.) B K Saini3
1,3Madhav University, Pindwara (Sirohi), Rajasthan.
2Lecturer at Govt. Senior Secondary School, Gudamalani (Barmer), Rajasthan.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 8,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2020
Present investigation is an attempt to study the effect of meditation on job satisfaction, adjustment and discrimination with working women in government and private educational institutes. This study was conducted on 200 higher secondary and senior secondary government and private female school teachers of Barmer district in Rajasthan. R.K. Ojha’s Bells adjustment inventory and adjustment scale by A.K.P, Sinha and R.P. Singh were used for the purpose of data collection. The t-test results indicate that there is significant difference in adjustment of higher secondary meditator and non-meditator school teacher. Meditator female teachers have good adjustment level when compared to non-meditator female teachers.
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Manjula Malik, A. K. Nehra, B K Saini. Effect of Meditation on Job Satisfaction, Adjustment and Discrimination with Working Women in Government and Private Educational Institutes. Int. J. Rev. and Res. Social Sci. 2020; 8(2):97-102. doi: 10.5958/2454-2687.2020.00009.X
Manjula Malik, A. K. Nehra, B K Saini. Effect of Meditation on Job Satisfaction, Adjustment and Discrimination with Working Women in Government and Private Educational Institutes. Int. J. Rev. and Res. Social Sci. 2020; 8(2):97-102. doi: 10.5958/2454-2687.2020.00009.X Available on:
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